How wine displays drive more wine sales in restaurants.
Wine displays in restaurants are quickly becoming more than an aesthetically pleasing element of a restaurant as more and more restaurant owners are learning just how much impact an impressive wine display can have on overall wine sales.
As interest in wine among restaurant goers continues to accelerate, restauranteurs are seeking new and innovative ways to help nurture that passion, which often results in more wine sales in their establishment.
Many dining establishments use custom wine displays as a centerpiece for their restaurant, replacing more traditional décor such as art, sculptures, fountains or plants.
As more diners become comfortable with ordering wine, restaurants are seeing a rise in how much impact per ticket wine is having on sales. To capitalize on this, and to insure that wine is at the forefront of each diner’s mind as they order, more and more restaurants are using the power of restaurant wine displays to showcase their wine collection.

What’s exciting about this trend is that these wine displays are no longer just for high end restaurants. An increase in wine consumption at more casual restaurants has been trending for a few years now.
“The story isn’t just more wine drinkers,” said John Gillespie, President of the Wine Market Council, “but that they are drinking wine much more frequently, and that’s what’s driving growth.” Particularly among Millennials and Generation Xers, “wine is finding its way into places and times we thought were previously unavailable.”
With this increased interest in wine at more casual environments has come increased demands by restaurant owners for custom wine displays that showcase their wine collection. Wine is no longer allocated to back store rooms and basements for country clubs and restaurants, but is now front and center so that diners can be visually enticed to add wine to their meal orders.

For many restaurants, wine displays impact the overall ambiance of a restaurant, with many designers carefully choosing what materials are used in order to have the greatest impact on the dining experience. Wine displays are now a part of the dining experience.
Wine bottles displays in a beautiful, attractive fashion create an air of familiarity for diners, and allow them to become more comfortable ordering wine than if they were simply ordering off a menu.
When wine racks are a prominent part of the restaurant’s décor, diners feel more inclined to include wine when ordering their meals; it’s a subtle power of suggestion when wine is threaded into the overall décor.
As a restaurant owner, most understand that there are only a few ways to increase sales: increase new customers, increase frequency of existing customers, and increase spend per ticket. Wine sales can impact all of these avenues for potential revenue, and wine displays are one of the more powerful ways to facilitate these.

This dining experience translates into more wine sales for restaurants. Wine displays are eye candy for diners and make wine top of mind of patrons in the restaurant.
Custom wine cellars are now one of the most requested designs in new restaurant builds and restaurant redesigns. Restaurant owners are learning what retailers have known for years: visual merchandising has a powerful impact on sales, and wine is no exception.
They understand it’s all about the experience, from the moment they enter the restaurant and see the beautiful wine display, the idea of wine as a part of the dining experience begins to take seed. Savvy restaurants understand they’re selling more than just food; they are selling an overall dining experience, and that dining experience now includes a bottle of wine.